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Eureka-Goodfield Fire Protection District has been proudly providing ambulance service to its citizens since 1972.

Ambulance Service Time Line
1972 EGFPD assumes ambulance service from local funeral home.
1990 EGFPD ambulance service upgrades to Intermediate Level Service.
2009 EGFPD ambulance service upgrades to Advance Life Support Service.
February 2011 EGFPD appoints first full-time EMS Chief.
April 2011 EGFPD ambulance services moves to full-time paid 24/7 service.
July 2012 EGFPDEMS acquires EMS provider contract with Germantown Hills FPD.
August 2012 EGFPDEMS places ALS Quick Response Vehicle in-service.
August 2012 EGFPD is awarded a Assistance to Firefighter grant for the region (15 departments) totaling over $900,000.00 for Cardiac monitors, AED's and C0 monitors.
October 2012 EGFPDEMS up-grades to Expanded Scope Tier 1 Service.
December 2014 EGFPDEMS take delivery of two new ambulances.
Spring 2015 EGFPDEMS refurbishes two original ambulances.
May 2016 EGFPDEMS staffs second ALS ambulance weekdays 6a to 6p.
2016 EGFPDEMS answers every 911 call for ambulance service.
September 2017 EGFPDEMS adds Rapid Sequence Intubation to its skill set. ( First service in PAEMS history to be allowed this Skill)
September 2018 EGFPDEMS locates a second ambulance at our Goodfield station Monday thru Friday from 6 am to 6 pm utilizing "flexible deployment".
October 2018 EGFDPEMS places a "EMS Special Operations Trailer" in-service for the District. First and only fully dedicated Incident Rehabilitation/Disaster unit in the tri-county area.

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