Specialty Care Transportation (SCT)
Paramedics - IDPH Expanded Scope
Vyaire/Revel Ventilator Capability including CPAP & BIPAP
External Pacing Abilities
Sapphire IV Medication Infusion Pumps
Advanced Airway management
McGRATH® MAC Enhanced Direct Laryngoscope
Rapid Sequence Intubation/Emergency Cric
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
ACLS Paramedics
Life Pack 15 Monitor/Defibrillator/Pace
12 Lead EKG Monitoring
Pulse oximetry/ETCO2 monitoring
Intraosseous Needle Placement
External Pacing
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Emergency Medical Technicians
Basic Airway Management
Basic Medications
Life Pack 15 Monitor/AED
Bariatric Transport Unit
Available 24/7
Up to 750 lbs
Extra-wide Power Stretcher
Motorized Winch for Loading Patient
Increased Patient Safety and Comfort


911 Service
911 ambulance service is provided with one 24hr Advanced Life Support ambulance in Eureka. We also staff a second Advanced Life Support ambulance Monday thru Friday,7 am- 7 pm. All additional calls are covered by cross-trained on-call volunteer Fire Personnel with two additional BLS/ALS ambulances.
Intercept & Mutual-Aid
Intercept & Mutual-Aid service is provided to surrounding ambulance agencies requiring Advanced Life Support for their patients.
EGFPD is proud to serve our partnering agencies of:
Roanoke Ambulance.
Congerville Ambulance.
Washington Fire Department
Deer Creek Fire/Rescue
Interfacility SCT
Specialty Care Transport (SCT) team provides the highest level of medical monitoring and care for a patient who requires mechanical ventilation equipment to breathe or medications above the level of a Paramedic, in addition to constant cardiac monitoring, pain management, iv fluids, etc., during the transportation process. The SCT Paramedic provides constant one-on-one monitoring and care to ensure the patient is comfortable and safely transported.